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a b o u t  m e

If you've stumbled across this blog, that means I'm doing something right. These days, thats a good sign for me.


My name is Brittney and I am an aspiring journalist living in Nashville, Tennessee. I moved here in March of 2014 from South Florida and I have yet to land a job in my field. Therefore, I am taking other approaches towards success because someone once told me that the the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. 


Well, the cycle ends now.


Applications and emails don't get you too far these days and a degree from a 4-year university has drastically lost its value. 


On top of that, most employers list jobs under the "entry level" category when the job description clearly states that they require 1-3 years of experience. Sadly, you can't order experience on Amazon. You can't go buy yourself some experience at your local department store. And surprisingly enough, experience does not, in-fact, appear out of thin air.


Experience must be given as a chance; an opportunity.

My chance will come. But in the meantime, lets make a few pitstops along the way. Shall we?


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